This is a reminder that the Acquisition workgroup meeting is this Friday, Nov. 22 at 11am. Please see the Zoom link below. Also, I have updated some information on the ILS Evaluation website for the Acquisitions. The ACQ info is here: https://www.scls.info/ils-evaluation-2024-2025#ACQ Please try to take a look at this beforehand - there are checklist responses (anonymized), as well as follow-up information from the vendors. Thanks, Amy _____________ Amy Gannaway (she/her) Technical Services Consultant South Central Library System 1650 Pankratz Street Madison, WI 53704 agannaway@scls.info 608-242-4712 ________________________________ From: Amy Gannaway <agannaway@scls.info> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2024 10:30 AM To: ilsevaluation-acq email list <ilsevaluation-acq@warden.wiscnet.net> Subject: ILS Evaluation Acquisitions Workgroup meeting, Friday, Nov. 22 11am Hello! The next ILS Evaluation Acquisitions Workgroup meeting will be Friday, Nov. 22 at 11am. Here is the Zoom information for the meeting: Topic: ILS Evaluation Acquisitions Workgroup meeting Time: Nov 22, 2024 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88532575899?pwd=3PPpbR4RXLOYTi3HQKHgtgqQIUDzdx.1 Meeting ID: 885 3257 5899 Passcode: 2bb0RRn3 At this meeting we will review the results from the demos and the follow-up, as well as compile questions and concerns. Thanks! Amy _____________ Amy Gannaway (she/her) Technical Services Consultant South Central Library System 1650 Pankratz Street Madison, WI 53704 agannaway@scls.info 608-242-4712