
The Polaris ACQ demo follow-up webinar recording is now available. The link is also posted on the ILS Evaluation 2024-25 web page.


Amy Gannaway
Technical Services Consultant
South Central Library System
1650 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI  53704

From: Amy Gannaway <agannaway@scls.info>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 2:11 PM
To: ilsevaluation-acq email list <ilsevaluation-acq@warden.wiscnet.net>
Subject: Polaris Vendor Demo follow-up webinar for Acquisitions - Wednesday, August 7 at 1pm (will be recorded)
Hello - you are receiving this because you are either on the ILS Evaluation Acquisitions Workgroup and/or you registered for the Polaris Acquisitions vendor demo. We are in the process of getting answers to follow-up questions from the vendors. Because we were unable to complete the Acquisitions checklists during the in-person demo, we asked Polaris to schedule a followup webinar.

The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7 at 1pm. This webinar will be recorded, so if you cannot attend you can watch it at a later date. The MS Teams information is posted on the ILS Evaluation page and is also posted below:
Click here to join MS Teams meeting
Meeting ID: 285 738 830 107
Passcode: UjViTh


Amy Gannaway
Technical Services Consultant
South Central Library System
1650 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI  53704