We have scheduled a virtual site visit for Tuesday, October 15 with members of the CCS consortium in Illinois to review Polaris Leap Acquisitions, Serials, and Cataloging. This site visit will be virtual and is optional. It will be a chance to see more of Polaris Leap Technical Services and to find out how some public libraries are using Leap. Here is the module schedule: * 9am-10am: Acquisitions * 10:15am-11:15am: Serials * 11:30am-12:30pm: Cataloging There will be a break in-between each module to give the presenter(s) a break and to allow staff to leave and join the Zoom. Please register for the session(s) that you plan to attend<https://forms.gle/p6gjvbWq29kvxuqEA> so we have an idea of how many people to expect by Wednesday, October 9. Thanks! Amy _____________ Amy Gannaway (she/her) Technical Services Consultant South Central Library System 1650 Pankratz Street Madison, WI 53704 agannaway@scls.info 608-242-4712