Hello: Just a reminder that the ILS Evaluation checklists are located on the ILS Evaluation 2024-2025 webpage<https://www.scls.info/ils-evaluation-2024-2025>, under the Vendor demos header. For those of you attending in person, if you prefer to record your observations on paper and forget to print before you arrive at the SCLS office, we can print copies for you. Let the staff person at the registration table know asap so we can get them printed for you. See you, Heidi -- Helping member libraries provide the best possible service to the public. Heidi Oliversen Circulation Services Consultant South Central Library System 1650 Pankratz St. Madison, WI 53704 608-242-4711 holiversen@scls.info Report ILS problems online at or call the Help Desk: (608) 242-4710 / toll free (855) 583-2435