Thanks for the feedback at the meeting today. If you have any other suggestions, or if you weren't able to attend the meeting, please do send me feedback by the end of the day tomorrow, March 21. (See below for the links to the checklists.) I will be sending the checklists to the vendors in the morning on Friday, March 22.


Amy Gannaway
Technical Services Consultant
South Central Library System
1650 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI  53704

From: Amy Gannaway
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2024 4:32 PM
To: ilsevaluation-dl email list <ilsevaluation-dl@warden.wiscnet.net>
Subject: Discovery Layer demo checklists and reminder regarding Discovery Layer Workgroup meeting: Wednesday, March 20, 1pm

We are scheduled to meet next Wednesday, March 20 at 1pm. At the meeting we'll be reviewing the Discovery Layer demo checklists. These checklists will be provided to the vendors and the vendors will need to demonstrate the features in the checklists. They are based on the checklists that we used in the last Evaluation in 2017-2018 but I have tweaked them and added some new things for this round. 

If you can, please review them before the meeting and bring any changes/questions to the meeting. If you cannot make the meeting, please send me any changes/suggestions by next Wednesday, March 20. The links to the checklists are below:

DL1: Discovery Interface Customization 
DL2: Discovery Display Features
DL3: Discovery Patron Empowerment
DL4: Discovery Searching
DL5: Responsive design, accessibility, and the mobile app
DL6: Discovery Statistics/Miscellaneous

As a reminder, here is the Zoom information for the meeting:

Topic: ILS Evaluation Discovery Layer Workgroup meeting
Time: Mar 20, 2024 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 824 1240 4339
Passcode: sVBbjpB3


Amy Gannaway
Technical Services Consultant
South Central Library System
1650 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI  53704