We are beginning to schedule in person site visits at libraries using Polaris or Symphony. Some potential locations are close and can be done in a 1/2 day (about 5 hours). Others may take a full day (8 to 9 hours). Please select all of the dates / times that work for you no later than Monday, July 1. Thank you! https://rallly.co/invite/qZReZyfmQSVh [https://app.rallly.co/api/og-image-poll?title=Scheduling%20SCLS%20ILS%20Evaluation%20Site%20Visits&author=Vicki%20Teal%20Lovely]<https://rallly.co/invite/qZReZyfmQSVh> Scheduling SCLS ILS Evaluation Site Visits<https://rallly.co/invite/qZReZyfmQSVh> By Vicki Teal Lovely rallly.co Vicki Teal Lovely (she/her) Helping our member libraries provide the best possible service to the public. Technology Services Coordinator South Central Library System Madison, WI vickiteal@scls.info<mailto:vickiteal@scls.info> (608)242-4713 Help Desk (608)242-4710 Note new address: 1650 Pankratz Street Madison, WI 53704