This is a reminder to please register for the SirsiDynix virtual site visit by tomorrow, Jan. 28: I will send the Zoom link out on Wednesday. Please see below for more details.


Amy Gannaway (she/her)
Technical Services Consultant
South Central Library System
1650 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI  53704

From: Amy Gannaway via ilsevaluation-acq <>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2025 10:02 AM
To: ilsevaluation-acq email list <>; ilsevaluation-cat email list <>; ilsevaluation-lead email list <>
Subject: [ilsevaluation-acq] SirsiDynix virtual site visit with Oshkosh Technical Services staff Thursday, Jan. 30 at 1pm

We will hold a virtual site visit covering SirsiDynix Technical Services on Thursday, January 30 at 1pm. The site visit is expected to last approximately an hour. This will be an informal meeting with staff from Oshkosh Public Library. The meeting with focus more on Acquisitions, although we can touch on Cataloging as well. Oshkosh does not use the Serials module so we will not review Serials.

Oshkosh is using SirsiDynix Workflows, which is the staff client for SirsiDynix. For Technical Services Acquisitions, we are looking at SymphonyWeb, which has the same interface as Workflows, except that it is used in a browser, so even though Oshkosh is not using the exact same thing that we are looking at, they are using something that looks the same and essentially works the same. For Cataloging, we are looking at a combination of BlueCloud and SymphonyWeb (meaning that library staff would likely use BlueCloud and the Madison Catalogers would use SymphonyWeb).

I have created a registration form so I will have some idea of how many people to expect. Please respond to this survey by Tuesday, January 28, whether or not you are planning to attend. Here is the link to the registration form. The form also has a place to enter questions for Oshkosh staff.


Amy Gannaway (she/her)
Technical Services Consultant
South Central Library System
1650 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI  53704