
You are receiving this because you are either on the ILS Evaluation Discovery Layer or Lead Workgroups and/or you registered for the SirsiDynix and Polaris Discovery Layer demos.

We have scheduled the Bibliocommons Discovery Layer virtual demo for Wednesday, Sept. 4 from 9am-10:30am, in addition to the Aspen Discovery Layer demo already scheduled for Aug. 29. Please see below for the Zoom information for both demos:

Aspen Discovery
August 29, 2-3:30pm, virtual only (will be recorded)
Click to join meeting (Zoom)
Meeting ID: 876 304 9929

September 4, 9-10:30am, virtual only (will be recorded)
Click to join meeting (Zoom)
Meeting ID: 851 5778 0445

I have also posted the Zoom links on the ILS Evaluation web page.


Amy Gannaway
Technical Services Consultant
South Central Library System
1650 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI  53704