Hello everyone -- Quick report on our MFA rollout: Progress We have 45 libraries with email through SCLS. 36 of those libraries are "live" with MFA, so we're about 80% through our rollout. Updated Documentation We have a small collection of webpages with documentation related to MFA for SCLS email accounts. Documentation can be found here: https://www.scls.info/technology/email The document most recently updated was the one with an overview of our implementation, instructions for registering an MFA method, and info about the other security-related policies we are applying. It can be found here: https://www.scls.info/system/files/MFAforSCLSAccounts.pdf We will send a link to this document to all new email accounts. If your library is live with MFA (or going live with MFA soon), we ask that you help any new staff register an MFA method for their new email account. "Request an email account" form for libraries live with MFA We have a "request an email account<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLPDcLhJLkk0G9sDV7BB0RiISIfctj0AJUL1L721ZYra56Dw/viewform>" form for all libraries who are live with MFA. The new form asks more specifically about what type of account is being requested and for some additional details based on those answers. [cid:f66a7971-aa78-4e35-a96b-8529a910e63d] "Request account deletion" form We have made a change to our process for accounts that will be deleted, but will not be deleted right away (previously the "Change password and delete after 6 months" option). Now that all User Mailboxes will require MFA, instead of changing the password and requiring staff to reconfigure MFA for the account, we will instead convert it to a Shared Mailbox and grant access to the accounts specified by the requestor. These changes have already been made on the "Request account deletion" form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kmqAd-SEdsGclqPYBV9f9qs3cu7E2vfHyCVX7jGMeYM/viewform?usp=send_form>: [cid:b6db59be-4845-4551-9e94-a11bf7fab39b] Shared Mailboxes You may request users be added for access to Shared Mailboxes or request a report of which users currently have access to your Shared Mailboxes by calling the Help Desk or putting in a Help Desk ticket Feedback This has been a complicated project and we've learned a lot about all the different ways that libraries approach and use 365 email accounts. We'd love to hear how things are going for the sites that are already live with MFA, or any feedback or questions you may have about any part of the project. (email us at o365team@scls.info) We appreciate all of your patience as we tried (and continue to try) to work out all the details! (...and a big shout out again to the pilot libraries who helped us get the ball rolling!) Thanks, Kerri Kerri Hilbelink Technology Project Administrator South Central Library System kerrih@scls.info 608-246-7971
participants (1)
SCLS O365 Team