An open list for multitype libraries in SCLS.
The Multitype email list is intended for multitype library members to communicate with each other and the South Central Library System. You are encouraged to join this list and use it for any multitype library and system related activities including:
--sending out system-wide announcements --sending out questions, concerns, problems, ideas, etc., on multitype and/or system related functions and programs --keeping other multitype libraries up-to-date on library activities in your area.
The Multitype email list is an open, unmoderated list. Anyone associated with the South Central Library System can join.
To contact the list owners, use the following email address:
You have to sign in to visit the archives of this list.
Subscription / Unsubscription
To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list, please sign in first. If you have not previously signed in, you may need to set up an account with the appropriate email address.
You can also subscribe without creating an account. If you wish to do so, please use the form below.